
Quick start using the .NET SDK

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Create a new instance of AuthenticationClient by passing in the client id and client secret provided from WasaKredit.

It is a good idea to create the AuthenticationClient as a singleton during your application initialization, this will allow the AuthorizationClient to store your access token in memory for reusability between client requests.

var authenticationClient = AuthenticationClient.Instance;
authenticationClient.SetClientCredentials("[your client id here]", "[your client secret here]");

Initialize WasaKreditClient

Get the singleton instance of WasaKreditClient by getting the Instance property of the WasaKreditClient. Call the Initialize method passing your AuthenticationClient and a boolean indicating whether you wish to use the client in test mode or not.

bool testMode = true;

var wasaKreditClient = WasaKreditClient.Instance;
wasaKreditClient.Initialize(authenticationClient, testMode);

Validate financed amount

To validate whether the Wasa Kredit payment method should be displayed for a given cart amount or not, call the ValidateFinancedAmount method on your WasaKreditClient. In the call you provide the current cart amount, e.g.

var response = wasaKreditClient.ValidateFinancedAmount("10000.00");

The response will tell you whether the provided cart amount value is a valid financed amount or not.

Get payment methods

To get possible payment methods for a partner, call the GetPaymentMethods method on your WasaKreditClient. In the call you provide the current cart amount, e.g.

string amount = "20000";
var response = wasaKreditClient.GetPaymentMethods(amount);

The response can be used to compose a description of which payment methods that are available in the checkout before it’s loaded.

Create Leasing checkout

Create a new checkout request and pass it to the CreateLeasingCheckout method on your WasaKreditClient.

Create checkout example

var request = new CreateCheckoutRequest
  PaymentTypes = "leasing", 
  OrderReferences = new [] // Optional but strongly recommended.  
                new OrderReference
                    Key = "temp_order_number",
                    Value = "12345"
  CartItems = new List<CartItem>
                new CartItem
                    ProductId = "ez-32131",
                    ProductName = "Kylskåp EZ3",
                    PriceExVat = new Price
                        Amount = "10000.0",
                        Currency = "SEK"
                    Quantity = 1,
                    VatAmount = new Price
                        Amount = "2500.00", // Vat per item
                        Currency = "SEK"
                    VatPercentage = "25",
                    ImageUrl = ""
  ShippingCostExVat = new Price
      Amount = "250.00",
      Currency = "SEK"
  CustomerOrganizationNumber = "2222222-2222", // Optional
  PurchaserName = "Anders Svensson", // Optional
  PurchaserEmail = "", // Optional
  PurchaserPhone = "07001234567", // Optional
  BillingAddress = new Address // Optional
                City = "Göteborg",
                CompanyName = "Star Republic AB",
                Country = "Sweden",
                PostalCode = "41116",
                StreetAddress = "Eklundsgatan 9"
  DeliveryAddress = new Address // Optional
                City = "Göteborg",
                CompanyName = "Star Republic AB",
                Country = "Sweden",
                PostalCode = "41116",
                StreetAddress = "Eklundsgatan 9"
  RecipientName = "Anders Svensson", // Optional
  RecipientPhone = "07001234567", // Optional
  RequestDomain = "https://YOUR-BASE-DOMAIN", 
  PingUrl = "https://YOUR-BASE-DOMAIN/payment-callback/" // Optional, but needed for status updates.

var response = wasaKreditClient.CreateLeasingCheckout(request);

Note that the OrderReferences property is a collection. Even if you don’t want to create an order in your system before creating a Wasa Kredit checkout, you have the possibility to supply a temporary identifier to be able to match the Wasa Kredit order with some reference in your system. You also have the option to add additional reference identifiers at a later time, for example when your final order is created (see Add order references).

The URL that you supply with the PingUrl property should be an endpoint that is set up to receive a POST message and return an http status code 200 response on success.

The return object of the CreateLeasingCheckout method is a html snippet which you should embed in your web page, inside of which the Wasa Kredit Checkout widget will handle the payment flow.

Create Invoice checkout

Create a new checkout request and pass it to the CreateInvoiceCheckout method on your WasaKreditClient.

Create checkout example

var request = new CreateInvoiceCheckoutRequest
  OrderReferences = new [] // Optional but strongly recommended.  
                new OrderReference
                    Key = "temp_order_number",
                    Value = "12345"
  CartItems = new List<InvoiceCartItem>
                new CartItem
                    ProductId = "ez-32131",
                    ProductName = "Kylskåp EZ3",
                    PriceExVat = new Price
                        Amount = "10000.0",
                        Currency = "SEK"
                    PriceInclVat = new Price
                        Amount = "12500.0",
                        Currency = "SEK"
                    Quantity = 1,
                    VatPercentage = "25",
                    VatAmount = new Price
                        Amount = "2500.00", // Vat per item
                        Currency = "SEK"
                    TotalPriceInclVat  = new Price
                        Amount = "12500.00",
                        Currency = "SEK"
                    TotalPriceExVat = new Price
                        Amount = "10000.00",
                        Currency = "SEK"
                    TotalVat = new Price
                        Amount = "25000.00",
                        Currency = "SEK"
  TotalPriceInclVat  = new Price
      Amount = "12500.00",
      Currency = "SEK"
  TotalPriceExVat = new Price
      Amount = "10000.00",
      Currency = "SEK"
  TotalVat = new Price
      Amount = "25000.00",
      Currency = "SEK"
  CustomerOrganizationNumber = "2222222-2222", // Optional
  PurchaserName = "Anders Svensson", // Optional
  PurchaserEmail = "", // Optional
  PurchaserPhone = "07001234567", // Optional
  PartnerReference = "My partner reference", 
  BillingAddress = new Address // Optional
                City = "Göteborg",
                CompanyName = "Star Republic AB",
                Country = "Sweden",
                PostalCode = "41116",
                StreetAddress = "Eklundsgatan 9"
  RecipientName = "Anders Svensson", // Optional
  RecipientPhone = "07001234567", // Optional
  RequestDomain = "https://YOUR-BASE-DOMAIN", 
  PingUrl = "https://YOUR-BASE-DOMAIN/payment-callback/" // Optional, but needed for status updates.

var response = wasaKreditClient.CreateInvoiceCheckout(request);

Note that the OrderReferences property is a collection. Even if you don’t want to create an order in your system before creating a Wasa Kredit checkout, you have the possibility to supply a temporary identifier to be able to match the Wasa Kredit order with some reference in your system. You also have the option to add additional reference identifiers at a later time, for example when your final order is created (see Add order references).

The URL that you supply with the PingUrl property should be an endpoint that is set up to receive a POST message and return an http status code 200 response on success.

The return object of the CreateInvoiceCheckout method is a html snippet which you should embed in your web page, inside of which the Wasa Kredit Checkout widget will handle the payment flow.

Initialize checkout

After creating a Wasa Kredit Checkout by calling the CreateCheckout method and embedding the resulting html snippet in your web page, as described above, the checkout html snippet needs to be explicitly initialized through a javascript call to the global window.wasaCheckout.init() function. The init method call will populate the <div> contained in the html snippet and link it to an internal iframe.


Handling custom checkout callbacks

You’re able to pass an options object to the init javascript function. Use this if you want your own custom handling of the onComplete, onRedirect and onCancel checkout events.

    var options = {
      onComplete: function(orderReferences){
      onRedirect: function(orderReferences){
      onCancel: function(orderReferences){

The onComplete event will be raised when a user has completed the checkout process. We recommend that you convert your cart/checkout to an order here if you haven’t done it already.

The onRedirect event will be raised the user clicks the “back to store/proceed”-button.

The onCancel event will be raised if the checkout process is canceled by the user or Wasa Kredit.

All callback functions will get the orderReferences parameter passed from the checkout. This parameter consists of an Array of KeyValue objects.

These are the same values as the ones that was passed to the CreateCheckout method as the OrderReferences property and also Wasa Kredit order id.

Handling order status changes via pingbacks

When calling the CreateCheckout method, Wasa Kredit will create an order. When the order is created or when the order status is updated, you will receive a POST to the supplied PingUrl, which contains the following body:

  "order_id" : "9c722707-123a-44e7-9eba-93e3a372d57e",
  "order_status": "initialized"

For further information about the order status flow, see the order flow chart.

Using the Wasa Kredit order id (order_id), provided in the pingback body, you are able to get the entire order object by calling the GetOrder method.

Get order example

var orderId = "9c722707-123a-44e7-9eba-93e3a372d57e";
var order = wasaKreditClient.GetOrder(orderId);

The response object from the GetOrder method is quite extensive. For further information about this response object see GetOrderResponse

Pingback Statuses

Each time the order status is updated you will receive a pingback, enabling you to take action on the status change.

The possible order statuses are:

Best practises

The preferred point in time to create the order in your system is when receiveing a pingback with order status “pending”.

To match the Wasa Kredit order against your internal cart/checkout/order, call the GetOrder method and use the OrderReferences property in the return object.

Add order references

To be able to match your internal cart/checkout/order against the Wasa Kredit order you are able to provide an unlimited set of order references. Order references might be provided in two ways.

  1. In the CreateCheckout method call.
  2. By calling the AddOrderReference method. This might be done at anytime as long as you have the Wasa Kredit order id. Notice that this operation will add the additional order references to any previous order references.

The order reference object is a collection of key-value pairs where the key is the reference identifier (i.e. describes the type of reference) and the value is the actual reference id.

Order referenses are added one at a time by calling the AddOrderReference method.

Add order reference example

string orderId = "9c722707-123a-44e7-9eba-93e3a372d57e";
string quoteId = "fce34f82-de23-4f29-b19b-5e01bc4a3cf6";
var request = new AddOrderReferenceRequest { Key = "Quote", Value = quoteId };
var response = client.AddOrderReference(orderId, request);

Ship an order

  1. When an order is ready to be shipped to the customer (i.e. it has been signed by all necessary signees and is fully approved by Wasa Kredit), you will receive a pingback with order status ready_to_ship. You should now ship the order items to the customer.
  2. When the order items are shipped to the customer, call the ShipOrder method.
  3. As a confirmation you will now receive a pingback with order status shipped.

Ship order example

var orderId = "9c722707-123a-44e7-9eba-93e3a372d57e";

var request = new ShipOrderRequest
    OrderId = orderId,

var response = client.ShipOrder(request);

Cancel an order

To cancel an order, call the CancelOrder method (see example below). Orders that have already been shipped cannot be canceled.

Cancel order example

var orderId = "9c722707-123a-44e7-9eba-93e3a372d57e";

var request = new CancelOrderRequest
    OrderId = orderId,

var response = client.CancelOrder(request);



Name Type Description
CustomerOrganizationNumber string The organization number of the customer who made the purchase.
BillingAddress Address
DeliveryAddress Address
OrderReferences List[OrderReference] (required) A list containing order reference objects.
PurchaserEmail string The email of the person performing the purchase.
RecipientName string The name of the person who should receive the order.
RecipientPhone string The phone number of the person who should receive the order.
Status OrderStatus The status that the order is in at Wasa Kredit.
CartItem List[Cart Item] A list of the items purchased as Cart Item objects.


Name Type Description
CompanyName string Company name
StreetAddress string Street address
PostalCode string Postal code
City string City
Country string Country


Name Type Description
Key string A key to succinctly describe the reference. Ex: “temp_order_reference”.
Value string The actual order reference value.


Name Type Description
Status string The status that the order is in at Wasa Kredit.