
View the Project on GitHub wasakredit/dotnet-checkout-sdk

WasaKredit Checkout API .NET Client SDK


Table of Content

Getting Started


Acquiring the SDK

The .NET SDK is available at NuGet and GitHub as described below. To be able to use the SDK you must apply for Partner credentials by sending an e-mail to


The .NET SDK is available as a nuget package with package id “WasaKredit.Checkout.SDK”


The .NET SDK is available at GitHub at The GitHub SDK version also includes two sample console projects illustrating the usage of the SDK.

Test Projects

There are two sample console projects included in the SDK. Notice that these sample projects are only available in the GitHub version of the SDK.


Before utilizing any of the SDK methods the authentication and the Wasa Kredit API client must be initialized.

If your platform only handles one Partner, you can use the Singleton implementation of the AuthenticationClient and WasaKreditClient.

If your platform will handle multiple Partners in the same application scope, you need to create instances of AuthenticationClient and WasaKreditClient for each Partner.

Initialization single partner


Authentication is done in two steps.

  1. Access the authentication client singleton instance through the AuthenticationClient.Instance property.
  2. Set your client credentials (client id and client secret), provided by Wasa Kredit, by calling the SetClientCredentials method. Thereafter you will be automatically authenticated, provided that the client credentials were valid.
var authenticationClient = AuthenticationClient.Instance;
authenticationClient.SetClientCredentials("<your client id here>", "<your client secret here>");


The WasaKreditClient is the client used to access the SDK methods. The client is accessed and initialized in two steps.

  1. Access the Wasa Kredit API client singleton instance through the WasaKreditClient.Instance property.
  2. Initialize the client by calling the Initialize method, passing the authentication client and a boolean flag that indicated whether or not to use test mode as parameters.
bool testMode = true;
var wasaKreditClient = WasaKreditClient.Instance;
wasaKreditClient.Initialize(authenticationClient, testMode);

Initialization multiple partners

Instead of using the singleton instances as described for single partners above, you need to create separate AuthenticationClient and WasaKreditClient instances for each Partner in your application.


Authentication is done in two steps for each partner.

  1. Create a new AuthenticationClient.
  2. Set the client credentials (client id and client secret), provided by Wasa Kredit, by calling the SetClientCredentials method. The client will request and cache access tokens automatically when used.
var authenticationClient1 = new AuthenticationClient();
authenticationClient1.SetClientCredentials("<partner1 client id>", "<partner1 client secret>");

var authenticationClient2 = new AuthenticationClient();
authenticationClient2.SetClientCredentials("<partner2 client id>", "<partner2 client secret>");


The WasaKreditClient is the client used to access the SDK methods. The client is initialized in two steps.

  1. Create a new instance of the WasaKreditClient for each Partner in your application.
  2. Initialize the client by calling the Initialize method, passing the authentication client of that Partner and a boolean flag indication whether or not to use test mode for the requests.
bool testModePartner1 = true;
var wasaKreditClient1 = new WasaKreditClient();
wasaKreditClient1.Initialize(authenticationClient1, testModePartner1);

bool testModePartner2 = true;
var wasaKreditClient2 = new WasaKreditClient();
wasaKreditClient2.Initialize(authenticationClient2, testModePartner2);

In the example above, wasaKreditClient1 should be used when making API requests for Partner 1 while Partner 2 has its own instance in wasaKreditClient2.

In order to utilize cached access tokens and easier use of the SDK, you should aim to register your WasaKreditClients at startup of your application and keep them available for reuse by resolving the correct client for each Partner during runtime. A good way to do this is via dependency injection.

Available Methods


This method calculates the monthly cost for each product based on the default contract length which is preconfigured for you as a Wasa Kredit partner. The most obvious usage for this method is to provide monthly prices for each product in product list views on your e-commerce site.

CalculateMonthlyCostResponse CalculateMonthlyCost(CalculateMonthlyCostRequest request)


Name Type Description
Items List[Item] (required) A list containing product Items
Name Type Description
FinancedPrice Price (required)
ProductId string (required) Your unique product identifier
Name Type Description
Amount string (required) The amount/price represented as a numeric string. The maximum length is 10 characters, including the decimal delimiter. Prices are supposed to be specified using up to 7 integer digits and two decimal digits. Specifying the decimal part is optional. The period character (‘.’) is used as the decimal delimiter.
Currency string (required) The currency represented as a ISO 4217 currency code. At present, only SEK is handled.


Name Type Description
MonthlyCosts List[MonthlyCost] A list containing the monthly cost for each requested Item
ProductId string Your unique product identifier
Name Type Description
MonthlyCost Price
Name Type Description
Amount string The amount/price represented as a numeric string. The maximum length is 10 characters, including the decimal delimiter. Prices are supposed to be specified using up to 7 integer digits and two decimal digits. Specifying the decimal part is optional. The period character (‘.’) is used as the decimal delimiter.
Currency string The currency represented as a ISO 4217 currency code. At present, only SEK is handled.

Example usage

var request = new CalculateMonthlyCostRequest
    Items = new List<Item>
        new Item {ProductId = "12345", FinancedPrice = new Price {Amount = "11500.50", Currency = "SEK"}},
        new Item {ProductId = "23456", FinancedPrice = new Price {Amount = "17995.50", Currency = "SEK"}}

var response = await wasaKreditClient.CalculateMonthlyCostAsync(request);


This method calculates the cost for all available payment methods and contract lengths (if applicable) for you as a partner to Wasa Kredit. This method is especially useful if you are offering multiple Wasa Kredit payment methods.

GetPaymentMethodsResponse GetPaymentMethods(string totalAmount)


Name Type Description
totalAmount string (required) The total financed amount.


Name Type Description
PaymentMethods List[PaymentMethod] A list containing the information for each of your available Wasa Kredit payment methods.
Name Type Description
Id string The payment method identifier name. Ex: “leasing” or “rental”
DisplayName string The payment method as a friendly name. Ex: “Leasing” or “Rental”
Options Options An object containing various options such as contract lenghts, costs etc. for each individual payment method.

Please notice that the options object is dynamic and will differ for different payment methods. For leasing and rental it is structured in the following way.

Name Type Description
DefaultContractLength int The default contract length which will be pre-selected in the checkout.
ContractLengths List[ContractLengthItem] Your available contract lengths and their monthly costs.
Name Type Description
ContractLength int The contract length in months.
MonthlyCost CurrencyAmount The monthly cost and currency for the contract length.
Name Type Description
Amount string The amount.
Currency string The currency.

Example usage

string amount = "20000";
var response = await wasaKreditClient.GetPaymentMethods(amount);


Validates that an amount is within the min/max financing amount for you as a Wasa Kredit partner. The primary purpose of this method is to validate whether the Wasa Kredit monthly payment option should be displayed for a given cart amount or not.

ValidateFinancedAmountResponse ValidateFinancedAmount(string amount)


Name Type Description
Amount string (required) The total financed amount.


Name Type Description
ValidationResult bool The validation result.

Example usage

var response = client.ValidateFinancedAmount("10000.00");


To inform the customer about Wasa Kredit financing as a payment method, this method provides a Product Widget in the form of a html snippet that may be displayed close to the price information on the product details view on your e-commerce site. The widget contains a monthly cost as well as detailed information about financing if expanded.

GetMonthlyCostWidgetResponse GetMonthlyCostWidget(string amount)


Name Type Description
Amount string (required) The total financed amount of a product.


Name Type Description
HtmlSnippet string The monthly cost widget snippet for embedding.

Example usage

var response = client.GetMonthlyCostWidget("10000");


The Checkout is the most central object in the Wasa Kredit B2B Checkout product. The checkout is supposed to be inserted as a payment method in your e-commerce checkout. This method creates a checkout instance and provides the checkout as a html snippet that is supposed to be embedded in your checkout view.

CreateCheckoutResponse CreateLeasingCheckout(CreateCheckoutRequest request)


Name Type Description
PaymentTypes string Selected payment type to use in the checkout, e.g. ‘leasing’.
OrderReferences List[OrderReference] A list containing order reference objects.
CartItem List[Cart Item] (required) A list of the items in the cart as Cart Item objects.
ShippingCostExVat Price (required) Price object containing the shipping cost excluding VAT.
CustomerOrganizationNumber string Customer organization number.
PurchaserName string Name of the purchaser.
PurchaserEmail string E-mail of the purchaser.
PurchaserPhone string Phone number of the purchaser.
BillingAddress Address Address object containing the billing address.
DeliveryAddress Address Address object containing the delivery address.
RecipientName string Name of the recipient.
RecipientPhone string Phone number of the recipient.
RequestDomain string (required) The domain of the partner, used to allow CORS.
ConfirmationCallbackUrl string Url to the partner’s confirmation page.
PingUrl string Receiver url for order status change pingback notifications.
Name Type Description
Key string (required) A key to describe the reference. Ex: “temp_order_reference”.
Value string (required) The actual order reference value.
Cart Item
Name Type Description
ProductId string (required) The product identifier.
ProductName string (required) Name of the product.
PriceExVat Price (required) Price object containing the price of the product excluding VAT.
Quantity int (required) Quantity of the product.
VatPercentage string (required) VAT percentage as a parsable string, e.g. ‘25’ is 25%.
VatAmount Price (required) Price object containing the calculated VAT of the product.
ImageUrl string Product image URL.
Name Type Description
Amount string (required) A string value that will be parsed to a decimal, e.g. 199 is ‘199.00’.
Currency string (required) The currency represented as a ISO 4217 currency code. At present, only SEK is handled.
Name Type Description
CompanyName string Company name
StreetAddress string Street address
PostalCode string Postal code
City string City
Country string Country


Name Type Description
HtmlSnippet string The checkout snippet for embedding.

Example usage

var request = new CreateCheckoutRequest
    PaymentTypes = "leasing",
    OrderReferences = new List<OrderReference>
        new OrderReference {Key = "QuoteReference", Value = "a40261e0-7c25-496a-a2ac-c7b93adb81bf"}
    CartItems =
        new List<CartItem>
            new CartItem
                ProductId = "ez",
                ProductName = "Kylskåp EZ3",
                PriceExVat = new Price {Amount = "14995.10", Currency = "SEK"},
                VatAmount = new Price {Amount = "3748.78", Currency = "SEK"},
                Quantity = 2,
                VatPercentage = "25",
                ImageUrl = ""
    ShippingCostExVat = new Price {Amount = "995", Currency = "SEK"},
    CustomerOrganizationNumber = "7904174757",
    PurchaserName = "Anders Svensson",
    PurchaserEmail = "",
    PurchaserPhone = "070-1234567",
    BillingAddress =
        new Address
            CompanyName = "Star Republic",
            StreetAddress = "Ekelundsgatan 9",
            PostalCode = "41118",
            City = "Göteborg",
            Country = "Sweden"
    DeliveryAddress =
        new Address
            CompanyName = "Star Republic",
            StreetAddress = "Ekelundsgatan 9",
            PostalCode = "41118",
            City = "Göteborg",
            Country = "Sweden"
    RecipientName = "Anders Svensson",
    RecipientPhone = "070-1234567",
    RequestDomain = "https://YOUR-BASE-DOMAIN",
    ConfirmationCallbackUrl = "https://YOUR-BASE-DOMAIN/payment-callback/",
    PingUrl = "https://YOUR-BASE-DOMAIN/payment-callback/"

var response = client.CreateLeasingCheckout(request);

Note that the OrderReferences property is a collection. Even if you don’t want to create an order in your system at before creating a Wasa Kredit checkout, you have the possibility to supply a temporary identifier to be able to match the Wasa Kredit order with some reference in your system. You also have the option to add additional reference identifiers at a later time, for example when your final order is created

The URL that you supply through the PingUrl property should be an endpoint that is set up to receive a POST message and return an http status code 200 response on success.

You will receive an html snippet which you should embed in your web page, inside of which the Wasa Kredit Checkout widget will handle the payment flow.


The Checkout is the most central object in the Wasa Kredit B2B Checkout product. The checkout is supposed to be inserted as a payment method in your e-commerce checkout. This method creates a checkout instance and provides the checkout as a html snippet that is supposed to be embedded in your checkout view.

CreateCheckoutResponse CreateInvoiceCheckout(CreateCheckoutRequest request)


Name Type Description
OrderReferences List[OrderReference] A list containing order reference objects.
CartItem List[InvoiceCartItem] (required) A list of the items in the cart as InvoiceCartItem objects.
TotalPriceInclVat Price (required) Price object containing the price of the checkout including VAT.
TotalPriceExVat Price (required) Price object containing the price of the checkout excluding VAT.
TotalVat Price (required) Price object containing the price of for the ckecout VAT.
CustomerOrganizationNumber string Customer organization number.
PurchaserName string Name of the purchaser.
PurchaserEmail string E-mail of the purchaser.
PurchaserPhone string Phone number of the purchaser.
PartnerReference string Partner reference.
BillingAddress Address Address object containing the billing address.
RecipientName string Name of the recipient.
RecipientPhone string Phone number of the recipient.
RequestDomain string (required) The domain of the partner, used to allow CORS.
ConfirmationCallbackUrl string Url to the partner’s confirmation page.
PingUrl string Receiver url for order status change pingback notifications.
Name Type Description
Key string (required) A key to describe the reference. Ex: “temp_order_reference”.
Value string (required) The actual order reference value.
Cart Item
Name Type Description
ProductId string (required) The product identifier.
ProductName string (required) Name of the product.
PriceExVat Price (required) Price object containing the price for one product excluding VAT.
PriceInclVat Price (required) Price object containing the price for one product including VAT.
VatAmount Price (required) Price object containing the VAT of one product.
TotalPriceInclVat Price (required) Price object containing the total price of the products including VAT.
TotalPriceExVat Price (required) Price object containing the total price of the products excluding VAT.
TotalVat Price (required) Price object containing the total VAT.
Quantity int (required) Quantity of the product.
VatPercentage string (required) VAT percentage as a parsable string, e.g. ‘25’ is 25%.
Name Type Description
Amount string (required) A string value that will be parsed to a decimal, e.g. 199 is ‘199.00’.
Currency string (required) The currency represented as a ISO 4217 currency code. At present, only SEK is handled.
Name Type Description
CompanyName string Company name
StreetAddress string Street address
PostalCode string Postal code
City string City
Country string Country


Name Type Description
HtmlSnippet string The checkout snippet for embedding.

Example usage

Initialize checkout

After creating a Wasa Kredit Checkout by calling the CreateCheckout method and embedding the resulting html snippet in your web page, as described above, the checkout html snippet needs to be explicitly initialized through a javascript call to the global window.wasaCheckout.init() function. The init method call will populate the <div> contained in the html snippet and link it to an internal iframe.


Handling custom checkout callbacks

Optionally, you’re able to pass an options object to the init-function. Use this if you want to manually handle the onComplete, onRedirect and onCancel events.

    var options = {
      onComplete: function(orderReferences){
      onRedirect: function(orderReferences){
      onCancel: function(orderReferences){

The onComplete event will be raised when a user has completed the checkout process. We recommend that you convert your cart/checkout to an order here if you haven’t done it already.

The onRedirect event will be raised the user clicks the “back to store/proceed”-button.

The onCancel event will be raised if the checkout process is canceled by the user or Wasa Kredit.

All callback functions will get the orderReferences parameter passed from the checkout. This parameter consists of an Array of KeyValue objects.

These are the same values as the ones that was passed to the CreateCheckout-method through the OrdeReferences property and also Wasa Kredit order id.

orderReferences = [
    { key: "wasakredit-order-id", value: "9c722707-123a-44e7-9eba-93e3a372d57e" },
    { key: "partner_checkout_id", value: "900123" },
    { key: "partner_reserved_order_number", value: "123456" }


Fetches a Wasa Kredit order based on its id.

When a checkout is created (by calling the CreateCheckout method) a Wasa Kredit order is created. Anytime the status of the order is changed, a pingback notification will be sent to the PingUrl specified when the checkout was created. The body if this notification contains the ID of the order and the order status. The order id received via the notification may be used to fetch the entire order object by calling the GetOrder method.

GetOrderResponse GetOrder(string orderId)


Name Type Description
OrderId string (required) The order identifier.


Name Type Description
CustomerOrganizationNumber string The organization number of the customer who made the purchase.
BillingAddress Address
DeliveryAddress Address
OrderReferences List[OrderReference] A list containing order reference objects.
PurchaserEmail string The email of the person performing the purchase.
RecipientName string The name of the person who should receive the order.
RecipientPhone string The phone number of the person who should receive the order.
Status OrderStatus The status that the order is in at Wasa Kredit.
CartItem List[Cart Item] A list of the items purchased as Cart Item objects.
Name Type Description
CompanyName string Company name
StreetAddress string Street address
PostalCode string Postal code
City string City
Country string Country
Name Type Description
Key string A key to succinctly describe the reference. Ex: “temp_order_reference”.
Value string The actual order reference value.
Name Type Description
Status string The status that the order is in at Wasa Kredit.
Possible order statuses
Cart Item
Name Type Description
ProductId string The product identifier.
ProductName string Name of the product.
PriceExVat Price Price object containing the price of the product excluding VAT.
Quantity int Quantity of the product.
VatPercentage string VAT percentage as a parsable string, e.g. ‘25’ is 25%.
VatAmount Price Price object containing the calculated VAT of the product.
ImageUrl string Product image URL.

Example usage

string orderId = "891f4314-8ecc-4923-9f85-03dabf52df88";
var response = client.GetOrder(orderId);


Gets the current status of a Wasa Kredit order.

When an order status change notification is received. This method may be called to check the current status of the order.

GetOrderStatusResponse GetOrderStatus(string orderId)


Name Type Description
OrderId string (required) The order identifier.


Name Type Description
Status OrderStatus The order identifier.
Name Type Description
Status string The current order status at Wasa Kredit. For a list of possible order statuses, see Possible order statuses

Example usage

string orderId = "891f4314-8ecc-4923-9f85-03dabf52df88";
var response = client.GetOrderStatus(orderId);

Ship order

This method should be used to update the Wasa Kredit order if you have shipped the order. Order can only be “shipped” if its current status is “ready_to_ship.”

ShipOrderResponse ShipOrder(ShipOrderRequest request)


Name Type Description
OrderId string (required) The order identifier.



| Name | Type | Description | |—|—|—|

Example usage

var request = new ShipOrderRequest
    OrderId = "1257d019-9ba7-4a25-90a4-21788854bc56",

var response = client.ShipOrder(request);

Cancel order

This method should be used to update the Wasa Kredit order if you have canceled the order. Order can only be “canceled” if its current status is not “shipped”.

CancelOrderResponse CancelOrder(CancelOrderRequest request)


Name Type Description
OrderId string (required) The order identifier.



| Name | Type | Description | |—|—|—|

Example usage

var request = new CancelOrderRequest
    OrderId = "1257d019-9ba7-4a25-90a4-21788854bc56",

var response = client.CancelOrder(request);


Adds a new order reference and appends it to the collection of current order references of the order. The purpose of supporting multiple order references for a single order is to provide generic support for e-commerce platforms and solutions that use multiple references in their purchase and order flow.

AddOrderReferenceResponse AddOrderReference(string orderId, AddOrderReferenceRequest request)


Name Type Description
orderId string (required) The unique identifier for this order (Note: this is the id of the Wasa Kredit order).
request AddOrderReferenceRequest (required) The request object.
Name Type Description
Key string (required) A key describing the order reference.
Value string (required) The order reference value.


Name Type Description
OrderReferences List[OrderReference] A list containing order reference objects.
Name Type Description
Key string A key describe the reference. Ex: “temp_order_reference”.
Value string The actual order reference value.

Example usage

string orderId = "1257d019-9ba7-4a25-90a4-21788854bc56",
var request = new AddOrderReferenceRequest {Key = "Quote", Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()};

var response = client.AddOrderReference(orderId, request);

Exception Handling

The WasaKreditClient will throw the following exceptions

Exception Helper Methods

The WasaKreditClient contains the static GetExceptionMessage method for smooth exception message formatting. This method comes in two overloaded versions which takes a WasaKreditAuthenticationException respectively a WasaKreditApiException object as parameters.

static string GetExceptionMessage(WasaKreditApiException ex)
static string GetExceptionMessage(WasaKreditAuthenticationException ex)


    var response = client.CalculateMonthlyCost(request);
catch (WasaKreditApiException ex)
catch (WasaKreditAuthenticationException ex)