
Official Wasa Kredit payment extension for Magento 2. Allows store builders to offer Wasa Kredit as a payment option.

View the Project on GitHub wasakredit/magento-2-extension

Wasa Kredit Magento 2 Extension

Official Wasa Kredit payment extension for Magento 2. Allows store builders to offer Wasa Kredit as a payment option.

Table of Content

Change log

What’s new in v2.2

What’s new in v2.1

What’s new in v2.0

Version 1.x

Version 1.x of this extension are magento-1x compatible, see


Tested with, but not limited to, following Magento Version.

Type Version Status
Community 2.2.4 Tested


  1. Extract the zip file to your server or local machine.
  2. Copy all files into the corresponding file location. Be careful not to replace the containing directory!
  3. Flush the Magento Cache in System > Cache Management or run php bin/magento c:f.
  4. Run php bin/magento setup:upgrade & php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

First time setup

  1. Proceed to Magento 2 Admin and navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Wasa Kredit.
  2. Fill in your assigned Partner ID and Client Secret.
  3. To display the monthly cost widget in product detail page, use the Product Detail Page Widget handle in module configuration.
  4. To calculate and display the monthly cost for each product in a list, use the Product Listing Page Widget handle.
  5. Activate the extension

To test the checkout use the test organisation number 680624-9022.

When the extension has been tested, change the Test Mode-flag to No to go live with the checkout.

Enable and passing an Organization number to the checkout

Magento 2 does not have a field in the checkout that contains an Organization number enabled by default. To pass an Organization number to the checkout our plugin uses the value from the VAT Number field.

To enable this field in the checkout;

  1. Open up Magento 2 Admin
  2. Proceed to Stores > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > Create New Account Options.
  3. Set the value Show VAT Number on Storefront to Yes.

Folder structure

|── app
|   └── code
|       └── Wasa
|           └── WkPaymentGateway
|               ├── Block
|               │   ├── LeasingCost.php
|               │   └── ListProduct.php
|               ├── composer.json
|               ├── Controller
|               │   └── Checkout
|               │       ├── CallbackCancelled.php
|               │       ├── CallbackCompleted.php
|               │       ├── CallbackRedirected.php
|               |       ├── CreateWasaKreditCheckout.php
|               │       ├── Gateway.php
|               │       ├── Ping.php
|               │       ├── Redirect.php
|               │       └── Response.php
|               ├── etc
|               │   ├── adminhtml
|               │   │   └── system.xml
|               │   ├── config.xml
|               │   ├── di.xml
|               │   ├── frontend
|               │   │   ├── di.xml
|               │   │   └── routes.xml
|               │   └── module.xml
|               ├── Gateway
|               │   ├── Http
|               │   │   ├── Client
|               │   │   │   └── Client.php
|               │   │   └── TransferFactory.php
|               │   ├── Request
|               │   │   ├── AuthorizationRequest.php
|               │   │   └── CaptureRequest.php
|               │   ├── Response
|               │   │   └── TxnIdHandler.php
|               │   └── Validator
|               │       └── ResponseCodeValidator.php
|               ├── Helper
|               │   ├── Data.php
|               │   └── Shotcaller.php
|               ├── i18n
|               │   └── en_US.csv
|               ├── Model
|               │   ├── Config
|               │   │   └── Source
|               │   │       └── Order
|               │   │           └── Status.php
|               │   ├── Method
|               │   │   └── Adapter.php
|               │   ├── Ui
|               │   │   └── ConfigProvider.php
|               │   └── Wkcheckout.php
|               ├──
|               ├── registration.php
|               ├── Setup
|               │   └── InstallData.php
|               ├── Test
|               │   └── Unit
|               │       ├── Gateway
|               │       │   ├── Request
|               │       │   │   ├── AuthorizeRequestTest.php
|               │       │   │   ├── CaptureRequestTest.php
|               │       │   │   └── VoidRequestTest.php
|               │       │   ├── Response
|               │       │   │   └── TxnIdHandlerTest.php
|               │       │   └── Validator
|               │       │       └── ResponseCodeValidatorTest.php
|               │       └── Model
|               │           └── Ui
|               │               └── ConfigProviderTest.php
|               └── view
|                   └── frontend
|                       ├── layout
|                       │   ├── catalog_product_view.xml
|                       │   └── checkout_index_index.xml
|                       ├── templates
|                       │   └── leasing-cost-product-page.phtml
|                       └── web
|                           ├── js
|                           │   └── view
|                           │       └── payment
|                           │           ├── method-renderer
|                           │           │   └── wasa_gateway.js
|                           │           └── wasa_gateway.js
|                           └── template
|                               └── payment
|                                   └── form.html
└── lib
    └── wasa
        └── php-checkout-sdk
            └── composer.json
                ├── composer.lock
                ├── config.php
                ├── _config.yml
                ├── LICENSE
                ├── phpunit.xml
                ├── registration.php
                ├── sdk
                │   ├── AccessToken.php
                │   ├── Api.php
                │   ├── Client.php
                │   ├── input
                │   │   ├── Address.php
                │   │   ├── Cart.php
                │   │   ├── Payload.php
                │   │   └── Price.php
                │   └── Response.php
                ├── tests
                │   ├── Authenticate
                │   │   └── AuthenticateTest.php
                │   └── bootstrap.php
                └── Wasa.php